Scientific Digest – Stiel, Michel & Teuteberg (2016)

Stiel, F.; Michel, T.; Teuteberg, F. (2016): Enhancing Manufacturing and Transportation Decision Support Systems with LCA Add-ins; in: Journal of Cleaner Production; Vol. 110, pp. 85-98.

The current life cycle assessment software landscape contributes not sufficiently to the dynamic behavior of manufacturing and transportation systems. This work presents a conceptual framework as well as conceptual software architecture to foster the integration of life cycle assessment software tools with dynamic manufacturing and transportation decision support tools. The results reveal interfaces and overlap between the existing life cycle assessment and decision support concepts as well as starting points to bridge this existing gap between static and dynamic approaches. A descriptive case scenario suggests that the use of life cycle assessment add-ins for manufacturing and transportation decision support systems is capable to generate more valid environmental impact data compared to traditional life cycle assessment approaches. Moreover, a higher resolution of the generated data as well as a reduced modeling effort makes life cycle assessment add-ins desirable not only for the use within research but also for the use within manufacturing and transportation practice. Implementations and architectures will, however, need to be explored with more complex cases in manufacturing and transportation.

Dieser Internetauftritt ist Teil des Projekts "Nachhaltiger Konsum von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie in der digitalen Gesellschaft - Dialog und Transformation durch offene Innovation".
Das Projekt wird vom Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Niedersachsen und der VolkswagenStiftung aus Landesmitteln des „Niedersächsisches Vorab“ gefördert (Projektnummer VWZN3037).


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