Scientific Digest – Stiel & Teuteberg (2015)

Stiel, F.; Teuteberg, F. (2015): Sustainable Consumption of Information and Communication Technologies in a Digital Society − Dialogue and Transformation through Open Innovation; in: Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain.

Scientific Digest: Against the background of a sustainable development, the scientific community is increasingly called upon to question the interdependencies between information and communication technologies (ICT), human behaviour and the environment. Our “digital life” does not only evoke ecological problems, such as emissions into air, water and soil, the consumption of valuable metals and the increasing primary energy consumption of ICT. It also promotes social and economic changes, such as segregation in networks and communities, socio-economic changes in developing countries due to the disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment as well as monopolization of data providers. Considering these problems, the question of how to achieve a sustainable consumption of ICT arises. In order to change the status quo, this work takes a closer look to methods and measures to bring business, science, citizens and policy-makers together in order to develop new technical, organizational and political solutions. Therefore, the open innovation paradigm is closer examined as approach to actively integrate multiple actors involved in the consumption of ICT. The following questions are addressed: How can open innovation measures be applied in order to facilitate a sustainable ICT consumption? How can scientific research take an active role to promote a sustainable ICT consumption?

Dieser Internetauftritt ist Teil des Projekts "Nachhaltiger Konsum von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie in der digitalen Gesellschaft - Dialog und Transformation durch offene Innovation".
Das Projekt wird vom Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Niedersachsen und der VolkswagenStiftung aus Landesmitteln des „Niedersächsisches Vorab“ gefördert (Projektnummer VWZN3037).


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