Scientific Digest – Wittstock & Teuteberg (2018)

Wittstock, R.; Teuteberg, F. (2018): Transforming urban public mobility: A systematic literature review and directions for future research; in: Proceedings zur Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2018, Lüneburg, Germany, 2018.

Based on a systematic literature review, this paper develops a conceptual framework summarising the current research on the role of Green IS in improving the sustainability impact of public transportation. IS have the potential to induce a shift towards more sustainable transportation by enhancing the attractiveness of public transport, reducing complexity for consumers and building social cohesion. Further, IS play a fundamental role in improving the efficiency of the current public transport system. Both aspects have beneficial impacts on the sustainability of public transport in the form of reduced congestion, better utilization of resources and improved public health. Directions for future research are highlighted.

Dieser Internetauftritt ist Teil des Projekts "Nachhaltiger Konsum von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie in der digitalen Gesellschaft - Dialog und Transformation durch offene Innovation".
Das Projekt wird vom Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Niedersachsen und der VolkswagenStiftung aus Landesmitteln des „Niedersächsisches Vorab“ gefördert (Projektnummer VWZN3037).


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