Associate Partners

B.A.U.M e.V.

Baum_logoSince 1984, the German Association of Environmental Management e.V. (Bundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis Umweltbewusstes Management (B.A.U.M.)) has been successful at integrating economical, ecological and social issues, hence uniting all principles of sustainability. Today, B.A.U.M. features more than 500 members and therefore acts as the largest enterprise network for a sustainable economy in Europe. Numerous well-known companies as well as organizations and institutions approve the B.A.U.M. code of honor for environmentally conscious corporate governance.


CENTOS combines scientific competence and activities in the area of environmental economics and sustainability management, which have been developed at the University of Oldenburg over the course of the past two decades and which have attained high national and international visibility. CENTOS is concerned with environmental economic analyses, and with the design of processes of change and learning in companies and other stakeholders in society. The focus here lies particularly on business networks, new services, application systems and institutional change in the context of sustainable development. At the macroeconomic level, the evaluation of environmental change, the design of environmental policy measures and their political and economic determinants as well as economic effects are central issues.

Centre for Sustainability Management

image013The Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM) at Leuphana University Lüneburg is an internationally renowned centre of excellence in research, teaching and academic training as well as in knowledge transfer in the fields of entrepreneurial sustainability management, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social entrepreneurship. The Chair for Sustainability Management under the direction of Prof. Dr. Stefan Schaltegger, the Junior Professorship in Social Entrepreneurship (JProf. Dr. Jantje Halberstadt) and the Visiting Professorship in Energy Transition Management (Prof. Dr. Erik G. Hansen), are all located at the institute.

eBusiness Lotse Osnabrück

image016The eBusiness-Lotse Osnabrück is a joint research project of various industry and research partners which closely cooperates with the enterprise network Osnabrück (iuk Unternehmensnetzwerk Osnabrück e. V.). Further information on the members of this consortium may be accessed here . Up until September 2015, the eBusiness- Lotse Osnabrück was part of the government-funded initiative “eCompetence-Network for Enterprises” (“eKompetenz-Netzwerk für Unternehmen”) which was embedded in the focal point “Digital small and medium business – ICT applications in industry” (“Mittelstand-Digital – IKT-Anwendungen in der Wirtschaft”) of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy.


image012The European Research and Transfer Network for Environmental Management Information Systems (ertemis) is a network of researchers in the field of Environmental Management Information Systems (EMIS). ertemis integrates the disciplines of Information Systems, Business Administration, Environmental Management, Ecology, Economics and Computing Science. The network’s objective is to support partners from industry in tackling new challenges of Environmental Management. The participating higher education institutions provide the network with expert knowledge and state-of-the-art research results. Companies are invited to bring in their practical know-how on tools and methods of Environmental Management, on the latest environmental technologies or on the impact of recycling on internal business processes. Our partners from industry contribute practical expertise on business processes and products in the field of Environmental Management. Thus, the network benefits from extensive first-hand knowledge on organization and process consulting. ertemis bundles expertise in the field of Corporate Environmental Management, hence facilitating a bi-directional knowledge transfer between practitioners and scientists.


groverAn all-subscription retailer, offering pay-as-you-go consumption for the latest consumer tech without minimum contract periods. A Netflix for eCommerce, or Spotify for Hardware. Grover reduces the cost of access by over 90% and makes consumer goods ad-hoc, on-demand available, without the need to buy (and then sell) them. The typical consumption pattern involves trading one thing for the other. With the invention of money, we can trade a derivative currency instead of the assets themselves. Nevertheless, buying is a typical transaction to keep an asset. Buy to keep is what has mostly been practiced before 1998 and the emergence of enormous secondary markets. Lowering transaction costs is to a large part a reason why reselling opportunities have taken off. Another aspect is the market reach.
Today however, it is all about experiences and personal moments between the new technology and us. The newer the tech, the better; and the more productive we can be, the more we can amplify these beautiful experiences.Because one throws away or sells and item after a limited time, pay-as-you-go is a consumption option which makes much more sense.



Information and communication technologies (ICT) are crucial for the productivity of our economy. In its high-tech strategy the German federal government even denominates them as the “innovation motor No. 1” and as “growth promoter for many other sectors”, but also identifies ICT as an independent economic sector with an average GDP share of 10 % in OECD nations. The European Union regards ICT as crucial for the European future.


Teqcycle Solutions GmbH sees itself as a coordinator of customised take back processes and programs for mobile terminal devices and guarantees its clients an exceptional transparency. Teqcycle acts as a management instance and makes use of a independently tested, global network of service providers (repair, refurbishment, logistics, recycling companies) who use Teqcycle’s software solution Reversys. This ensures end-to-end documentation of the flow of goods and provides a clear view of the process chain at all times. Due to its independence in the choice of service providers Teqcycle is able to provide a cost-optimised service free of conflicts of interest.


The recovery of secondary raw materials (recycling) and the reuse of used components (reuse/remarketing) have gained significantly in importance because of the global shortage of raw materials. TEQPORT facilitates these approaches in an efficient an environmentally friendly manner – as the leading asset recovery manager supporting the major infrastructure companies in Germany and Europe.

This web presence is part of the project “Sustainable Consumption of Information and Communication Technologies in the Digital Society − Dialogue and Transformation through open innovation”.
The project is funded by the Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony and the Volkswagen Foundation (VolkswagenStiftung) through the “Niedersächsisches Vorab” grant programme (grant number VWZN3037).


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